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**      $Filename: graphics/text.i $
**      $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**      $Revision: 37.0 $
**      $Date: 91/01/07 $
**      graphics library text structures
**      (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

        IFND    EXEC_PORTS_I
        INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"
        ENDC    ; EXEC_PORTS_I

        INCLUDE "utility/tagitem.i"

*------ Font Styles --------------------------------------------------
FS_NORMAL       EQU     0       ; normal text (no style attributes set)
    BITDEF  FS,UNDERLINED,0     ; underlined (under baseline)
    BITDEF  FS,BOLD,1           ; bold face text (ORed w/ shifted right 1)
    BITDEF  FS,ITALIC,2         ; italic (slanted 1:2 right)
    BITDEF  FS,EXTENDED,3       ; extended face (must be designed)

    BITDEF  FS,COLORFONT,6      ; this uses ColorTextFont structure
    BITDEF  FS,TAGGED,7         ; the TextAttr is really an TTextAttr,

*------ Font Flags ---------------------------------------------------
    BITDEF  FP,ROMFONT,0        ; font is in rom
    BITDEF  FP,DISKFONT,1       ; font is from diskfont.library
    BITDEF  FP,REVPATH,2        ; designed path is reversed (e.g. left)
    BITDEF  FP,TALLDOT,3        ; designed for hires non-interlaced
    BITDEF  FP,WIDEDOT,4        ; designed for lores interlaced
    BITDEF  FP,PROPORTIONAL,5   ; character sizes vary from tf_XSize
    BITDEF  FP,DESIGNED,6       ; size is "designed", not constructed
*                               ; note: if you do not set this bit in your
*                               ; textattr, then a font may be constructed
*                               ; for you by scaling an existing rom or disk
*                               ; font (under V36 and above).
    ;-- bit 7 is always clear for fonts on the graphics font list
    BITDEF  FP,REMOVED,7        ; the font has been removed

******* TextAttr node ************************************************
 STRUCTURE  TextAttr,0
    APTR    ta_Name             ; name of the desired font
    UWORD   ta_YSize            ; height of the desired font
    UBYTE   ta_Style            ; desired font style
    UBYTE   ta_Flags            ; font preferences flags

    APTR    tta_Name            ; name of the desired font
    UWORD   tta_YSize           ; height of the desired font
    UBYTE   tta_Style           ; desired font style
    UBYTE   tta_Flags           ; font preferences flags
    APTR    tta_Tags            ; extended attributes
    LABEL   tta_SIZEOF

******* Text Tags ****************************************************
TA_DeviceDPI    EQU     1!TAG_USER      ; Tag value is Point union:
                                        ; Hi word XDPI, Lo word YDPI

MAXFONTMATCHWEIGHT      EQU     32767   ; perfect match from WeighTAMatch

******* TextFont node ************************************************
 STRUCTURE      TextFont,MN_SIZE ; reply message for font removal
                                ; font name in LN_NAME  \ used in this
    UWORD   tf_YSize            ; font height           | order to best
    UBYTE   tf_Style            ; font style            | match a font
    UBYTE   tf_Flags            ; preference attributes / request.
    UWORD   tf_XSize            ; nominal font width
    UWORD   tf_Baseline         ; distance from the top of char to baseline
    UWORD   tf_BoldSmear        ; smear to affect a bold enhancement

    UWORD   tf_Accessors        ; access count

    UBYTE   tf_LoChar           ; the first character described here
    UBYTE   tf_HiChar           ; the last character described here
    APTR    tf_CharData         ; the bit character data

    UWORD   tf_Modulo           ; the row modulo for the strike font data
    APTR    tf_CharLoc          ; ptr to location data for the strike font
                                ;   2 words: bit offset then size
    APTR    tf_CharSpace        ; ptr to words of proportional spacing data
    APTR    tf_CharKern         ; ptr to words of kerning data

tf_Extension    EQU     MN_REPLYPORT

;------ tfe_Flags0 (partial definition) ------------------------------
    BITDEF  TE0,NOREMFONT,0     ; disallow RemFont for this font

 STRUCTURE      TextFontExtension,0     ; this structure is read-only
    UWORD   tfe_MatchWord       ; a magic cookie for the extension
    UBYTE   tfe_Flags0          ; (system private flags)
    UBYTE   tfe_Flags1          ; (system private flags)
    APTR    tfe_BackPtr         ; validation of compilation
    APTR    tfe_OrigReplyPort   ; original value in tf_Extension
    APTR    tfe_Tags            ; Text Tags for the font
    APTR    tfe_OFontPatchS     ; (system private use)
    APTR    tfe_OFontPatchK     ; (system private use)
    ; this space is reserved for future expansion
    LABEL   tfe_SIZEOF          ; (but allocated only by the system)

******* ColorTextFont node *******************************************
;------ ctf_Flags ----------------------------------------------------
CT_COLORFONT    EQU     $0001   ; color map contains designer's colors
CT_GREYFONT     EQU     $0002   ; color map describes even-stepped brightnesses
                                ; from low to high
CT_ANTIALIAS    EQU     $0004   ; zero background thru fully saturated char

        BITDEF  CT,MAPCOLOR,0   ; map ctf_FgColor to the rp_FgPen if the former
                                ; is a valid color within ctf_Low..ctf_High

;------ ColorFontColors ----------------------------------------------
 STRUCTURE      ColorFontColors,0
    UWORD   cfc_Reserved        ; must be zero
    UWORD   cfc_Count           ; number of entries in cfc_ColorTable
    APTR    cfc_ColorTable      ; 4 bit per component color map packed xRGB
    LABEL   cfc_SIZEOF

;------ ColorTextFont ------------------------------------------------
 STRUCTURE      ColorTextFont,tf_SIZEOF
    UWORD   ctf_Flags           ; extended flags
    UBYTE   ctf_Depth           ; number of bit planes
    UBYTE   ctf_FgColor         ; color that is remapped to FgPen
    UBYTE   ctf_Low             ; lowest color represented here
    UBYTE   ctf_High            ; highest color represented here
    UBYTE   ctf_PlanePick       ; PlanePick ala Images
    UBYTE   ctf_PlaneOnOff      ; PlaneOnOff ala Images
    APTR    ctf_ColorFontColors ; struct ColorFontColors * for font
    STRUCT  ctf_CharData,8*4    ; pointers to bit planes ala tf_CharData
    LABEL   ctf_SIZEOF

******* TextExtent node **********************************************
 STRUCTURE      TextExtent,0
    UWORD   te_Width            ; same as TextLength
    UWORD   te_Height           ; same as tf_YSize
    STRUCT  te_Extent,8         ; WORD MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY relative to CP