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        ModifyProp -- Modify the current parameters of a proportional gadget.

        ModifyProp( gadget, window, requester,
                    A0      A1      A2
                    Flags, HorizPot, VertPot, HorizBody, VertBody )
                    D0     D1        D2       D3         D4

        VOID ModifyProp( struct gadget *, struct window *,
                struct requester *, uword, uword, uword, uword, uword );

        Modifies the parameters of the specified proportional gadget.  The
        gadget's internal state is then recalculated and the imagery
        is redisplayed in the window or requester that contains the gadget.

        The requester variable can point to a requester structure.  If the
        gadget has the GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, the gadget is in a requester
        and the window pointer must point to the window of the requester.
        If this is not the gadget of a requester, the requester argument may
        be NULL.

        NOTE: this function causes all gadgets from the proportional
        gadget to the end of the gadget list to be refreshed, for
        reasons of compatibility.
        For more refined display updating, use newmodifyprop().

        New for V36: ModifyProp() refreshing consists of redrawing gadgets
        completely.  newmodifyprop() has changed this behavior (see

        PropGadget = pointer to a proportional gadget
        window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or the window
            containing the requester containing the gadget.
        requester = pointer to a requester (may be null if this isn't
            a requester gadget)
        Flags = value to be stored in the Flags field of the propinfo
        HorizPot = value to be stored in the HorizPot field of the propinfo
        VertPot = value to be stored in the VertPot field of the propinfo
        HorizBody = value to be stored in the HorizBody field of the propinfo
        VertBody = value to be stored in the VertBody field of the propinfo



        The Intuition Reference Manual and Amiga ROM Kernel Manual contain
        more information on Proportional Gadgets.